Friday 21 April 2023


     The day began with yoga by our English department faculty Kavya miss. Last day of our beautiful camp After that there were formal session meeting. After the lunch camp coordinator vineeth sir praised each and everyone who worked hard for the camp and announced winning group also .

     This was the final day of our camp. After the morning yoga session by Miss.Kavya.P.kumar, Assistant professor department of English we had our breakfast. After the breakfast we cleaned out alloted rooms and packed bags and also get ready.
We all gathered in the main seminar hall around 10.00AM.
   Official meeting began by 10.00 am after the prayer. Our beloved principal Sri.Roy sir gave welcome to the guests. Our college local manager Rev Fr.M.Jacob presided over the function. The function was inaugurated by Sri.Neeleswaram Sadhasivan sir. He was a retired headmaster and also an Kerala government television award winner. He also delivered a nice talk. After that Sri. Faisal Bhaseer, development committee chairman,kottarakara municipality delivered the keynote address. Athira.H ,our college union chairperson presented the camp report. Hasna zakeer Hussain from English optional delivered the camp reflection. Vice principal Smt.Princamma G.George, Dr.Leena vahid and Sri.Govind H marked felicitations. Then the prizes are distributed to the best group, best volunteer, best committee, etc. Sri.Jishnu Vijay , chairman said vote of Thanks. Camp officially ended by the National anthem.


     I was selected as the best student volunteer for the community living camp. It was one of my best achievement in B. Ed life.

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        ബി.എഡ് പാഠ്യപദ്ധതിയുടെ  ഭാഗമായുള്ള രണ്ടാംഘട്ട അധ്യാപന പരിശീലനം പൂർത്തിയാക്കിയതിനുശേഷം ഉള്ള അവസാനത്തെ ജനറൽ റിഫ്ലക്ഷൻ 7/ 8 /2023 രാവില...