Friday 4 November 2022


  An educational tour is a part of the academic experience in most schools and colleges. Such tours help students to understand firsthand about various subjects. It offer students of all Classes an opportunity for a rich immersion experience. Educational trips are always a fun, enriching and learning experience for both students and faculty members at a personal and professional level.
    As a part of B.Ed curriculum we, the first year students of Baselios Marthoma Mathews II Training College planned to conduct an educational tour. For the convenience of students and teachers aur college has decided to conduct 3 set of tours to provide an opportunity for all students to participate in the tour programme according to their financial and physical condition or health. The first group planned to explore Goa, second group planned to explore Wayanad and the third group organised a one day trip to Trivandrum respectively. I was in the second group. We conducted a 3 day trip to Coorg and Wayanad on 31st October 2022. We started our journey from kottarakara includes 46 students, 3 teaches; a group of 49. The journey started around 2pm. We reached at Alappuzha Beach by 4:30 p.m, the first destination of our trip. It was for entertainment purpose only. After that we reached Ernakulam and explored Lulu mall and Kochi Metro. After having dinner we restarted our journey to Coorg, a rural district in the Indian state of Karnataka.
      We reached at morning 8 a.m. and stay at Gateway Inn hotel. After having breakfast, we started to explore the beauty of Coorg. Firstly we decided to go for river rafting. It was a new experience to most of the participants in our tour. The next destination designed for the tour was Golden Temple. It is one of the largest Tibetan settlement in India. Then we moved to bamboo forest by 4:30 p.m. In front of bamboo forest there is a large number of shopping areas where we purchased needed materials at low price. Thereafter we moved to enjoy DJ session at Coorg. It was for the enjoyment and entertainment for students. The first day of our tour ended with having dinner and reached at our hotel by 9 pm.

    An educational tour is a fun – filled experience. As the tour may be too far away places, it is an opportunity for students to have a jolly time together. As a teacher trainee, it was an unforgettable memory and experience. It helps to learn through visual experience. It creates a sense of teamwork and community among the students as they experience a field trip together. I got an opportunity to participate in the tour program. It offers an opportunity for immersion of experience. Not only that, it makes life memories with friends, which is no doubt a fun learning experience in itself.

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        ബി.എഡ് പാഠ്യപദ്ധതിയുടെ  ഭാഗമായുള്ള രണ്ടാംഘട്ട അധ്യാപന പരിശീലനം പൂർത്തിയാക്കിയതിനുശേഷം ഉള്ള അവസാനത്തെ ജനറൽ റിഫ്ലക്ഷൻ 7/ 8 /2023 രാവില...